Brainstorming meeting & 75th Birthday Celebrations of Dr. RS Paroda On Aug 28 2017
ISPGR is pleased to announce the organization of a brainstorming meeting on ‘Strategies for Implementation of Delhi Declaration’ is being organized on August 28, 2017 from 2:00-6:00 pm in NAAS Conference Room, NASC Complex, New Delhi. The meeting is co-organized by ICAR and National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, in collaboration with Bioversity International, Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Science (TAAS), PPV&FRA and Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (ISGPB). The meeting is expected to develop a roadmap for effective implementation of the Delhi Declaration in India, with an aim of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The brainstorming meeting will be followed by celebration of the 75th birthday of Dr. RS Paroda.
ISPGR life members are invited to attend both functions. Seats are limited and invitation is on first come first serve basis.
Please confirm your participation by sending email to or calling Dr. RK Tyagi, General Secretary, ISPGR.
Brainstorming program
Birthday program